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e_type(expr)                 expression type

    Function evaluates the  expression 'expr' and  returns the type  of the
    final result.  The return is an integer defining the type:

    Return      Type
    0           Un-initialized (returned when 'expr' is a variable which
                                has not had a value assigned to it. Also
                                if  not  been  assigned  since  acted on
                                by "deleta" statement)
    1           Regular Expression Value
    2           String Value
    3           Single Character Value
    4           Integral Value
    5           Floating Point Value

    local lvar;
    e_type(lvar)          ==> 0
    e_type(/string test/) ==> 1
    e_type("string test") ==> 2
    e_type('a')           ==> 3
    e_type(45)            ==> 4
    e_type(45.6)          ==> 5
    e_type(45.6 . "")     ==> 2
    e_type("45.6" + 0.0)  ==> 5
    e_type("45" + 0)      ==> 4

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson