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justify(a,n,w)               justify line

    Return string  w characters  long formed  by justifying  n elements  of
    array a padded with blanks.  If n elements of array A with at least one
    blank  between  elements  would  exceed  width  w,  then  the number of
    elements justified is reduced to fit in the length w.

    words[1] == The
    words[2] == best
    words[3] == intentions
    words[4] == are
    words[5] == not
    words[6] == always

    justify(words,6,40) ==> "The   best  intentions  are  not  always"

justify(a,n,w,c)             justify line

    Return string  w characters  long formed  by justifying  n elements  of
    array a padded with  character 'c'.  If  n elements of array  A with at
    least one 'c' character between elements would exceed width w, then the
    number of elements justified is reduced to fit in the length w.

    words[1] == The
    words[2] == best
    words[3] == intentions
    words[4] == are
    words[5] == not
    words[6] == always

    justify(words,6,40,'_') ==> "The___best__intentions__are__not__always"

See Also: center copies
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson