kkkkkkkkkkkkThis file contains information on how to install ARC+PLUS on your computer. The normal method used to install ARC+PLUS is to use the install program provided on your ARC+PLUS diskette. Place the ARC+PLUS diskette in drive A and type: A: INSTALL And follow the instructions provided by the install program. If you wish to skip the install program and install ARC+PLUS yourself, then the following information will be needed. You should be familar with your computer and its software. If you have any problems, please try the normal installation procedure. The following information is needed only if you choose to skip the normal installation process. The ARC+PLUS package consists of several programs. Each program may have one or more of a DOS version, OS2 version, and a dual mode (both DOS and OS2) version. Which versions you install depend on your needs. The programs provided and their versions are as follows: program DOS OS2 dual ---------- --- --- --- ARC.EXE yes yes EZARC.EXE yes yes XARC.EXE yes yes yes MKSARC yes MARC yes The programs on the ARC+PLUS diskette are compressed using ARC. This provides error checking to guard against a defective or damaged diskette. It also allows us to put 500 K worth of programs on a 360 K diskette. The programs are grouped into four archives as follows: ARCDOS.ARC The DOS only versions. (ARC.EXE, EZARC.EXE, XARC.EXE, MARC.EXE) ARCOS2.ARC The OS2 only versions. (ARC.EXE, EZARC.EXE, XARC.EXE, MARC.EXE) ARCMISC.ARC Programs and files provided only in dual mode. (MKSARC.EXE, MARC.EXE, EZARC.HLP) There is also a copy of the dual mode XARC on the disk in uncompressed form to allow you to install the other programs. If you have only DOS or only OS2, you should install the archive for that operating system (ARCDOS or ARCOS2) and the ARCMISC archive. If you have both DOS and OS2, you can decide to install the dual mode or seperate versions. The ARC.EXE and EZARC.EXE programs should be accessable through the command path. (See the PATH statement in your CONFIG.SYS, AUTOEXEC.BAT, or STARTUP.CMD file). When you run EZARC, it will call the ARC program, which will call EZARC in return. These two programs must be accessable to each other (current directory or via path) and can not be renamed. The file EZARC.HLP (from the ARCMISC archive) should also be accessable through the command path. It is very important that you replace an older version of ARC with the new version. EZARC will not be able to run an older version of ARC. The other programs should be accessable via the path if you want to be able to run them from anywhere in your system. Please note that the different versions of the same programs have the same name. You should put these versions in seperate directories. To install an archive to a directory on your hard disk, you should run the XARC program provided on the diskette. XARC is run from the command line with the following syntax: XARC For example, if you wish to install the DOS mode programs (ARCDOS.ARC) into the directory C:\DOS\MYPROGS (which is in your path) from the ARC+PLUS diskette in drive A you would type: A:XARC A:ARCDOS C:\DOS\MYPROGS