These files should be in the file MAX212.ZIP: MAX.EXE The MAX assembler. MONO.EXE Monochrome version of the above. MAX.DOC The documentation for MAX. Read this before trying to use MAX. 8088.MAX List of CPU instructions in MAX syntax. This file can be assembled, but don't try to run it. 8087.MAX List of math coprocessor instructions that are supported by the registered version of MAX. SIMPLE.ASM Simple example of an assembly language file to print a string of text with quotes in it. VERS.ASM Example file to print the DOS version. CLEAR.ASM Example file to clear the screen differently than CLS. BCLEAR.ASM BLOADable version of the above. CALL.BAS BASIC program to CALL the above. This is not a recommended way, but it works in this case. DSKPATCH.ASM Assembly listing for the disk utility mentioned in the doc file. CAUTION! This program can modify disk sectors in drive A. ERRORS.ASM A file with intentional errors to show how MAX displays errors in the code. CHANGES.TXT The revision history of MAX. TUTOR.TXT A file to teach the basics of assembly language. REGISTER.FRM Registration/order form & prize drawing entry.