Form4 Configure MC Form4, DateTimeFrame Date/Time &Options DTOpt DD-MM-YY DTOpt Show Secs DTOpt 09 on the 9th DateTimeFrame Weekday Wkday Wkday Monday Wkday DateTimeFrame Month March DateTimeFrame DateTimeFrame DateTimeFrame Date Separator DateSep DateSep DateSep DateSep LaunchFrame Launch Choices MinLoadCheck Minimi&ze MC when App Runs DoubleClickFrame DoubleClick Option LoadOpt &Normal LoadOpt LoadOpt ConfButton ConfButton Cancel ConfButton &Defaults ConfButton &Help FileFrame Files Displayed FileCheck FileCheck FileCheck FileCheck FileCheck A&ssociations FileCheck &All Files MaxFrame Maximum Values Label1 &Groups GMaxCombo Label3 I&tems/Grp IMaxCombo HMaxCombo Label2 Histor&y TestDisplay 8 StaticFmt 'On March 9, 1992 at 2:43 PM display is DynamicFmt Mar-9-92 2:02 PM HideButton Close ConfButton &Load ProgMan Groups... CludgeTimer ConfButton_Click> Index form4 Form_Click @ Form_Loadk ConfButton Caption bigbuttlabel BigButtLabel_Click GMaxCombo ListIndex IMaxCombo List| InitializeCombos HMaxComboE FileCheck_Click FileCheckv Value Enabledn False' InitialValues InitializeValues MinLoadCheckZ MinLoadOn LoadOpt DefaultLaunch FileChocieArray3 DTOpt DateOptArrayb FileChoiceArray StaticFmt_Click Frame5_DragDropU Source hidebutton_click3 Frame6 visible DTOpt_Click Frame2 Frame4 StaticFmt TextA shows DateOpt( Euroepanj Weekday MonthNum ZeroOnDay8 SecsOn MilTimeU LCaseAM CenturyQ European TransferD DynamicFmt_Click TransferDTOpt) DTPref MinLoadCheck_Click TrasferDTOpt DisplayDO DynamicFmt[ DateStrK TimeStrv testdate TestTime] testimeu SaveChanges TransferDTP Form1i timer1 timer1_timerO UpDateTimer interval SetDefaults Vaule HideButton Clicka MinOnLoad NextMaxGroups NextMaxItems NextMaxHistory MaxGroups! Endcase MaxItemss MaxItems MaxHistory HiddenButton_Click MousePointer Screen Form_Paint Form_MouseMove ButtonM Shift Form_GotFocus File1 patternz ConfButton_GotFocus paint form4_paint Frame1_DragDrop Frame2_DragDrop' Frame3_DragDrop: Frame4_DragDrop Frame6_DragDrop/ GMaxCombo_Change HMaxCombo_Change IMaxCombo_Change Label1_Click Label2_Click2 Label3_Click LoadOpt_Click BigButton_ClickZ Bigbutton picture8 Buttondown BigButton_KeyUp KeyCodep BigButton_LinkClose BigButton_LinkError LinkErr BigButton_LinkOpen CancelE BigButton_LostFocus BigButton_MouseDown BigButton_MouseMove BigButton_MouseUpW ButtonUp; DateSep( DateSeparator DateSep_Click FullMon NoYear IsDirtyg AssociationList SetFilePattern Form_KeyDownx Alt_Mask GetHelpP GetFocusU GotFocus LoadOpt_KeyDown MinLoadCheck_KeyDown Enable FullDate} TestDisplay FileFrame% MaxFrame LaunchFrame_DragDropr AMType= ShowTest DateTimeFrame_DragDrop DoubleClickFrame_DragDrop$ @ Mon_Click Tm_Click Wkday_Click Yr_Click WkDay MonthType YearType ConfButton_KeyDownS DateSep_KeyDown DTOpt_KeyDown FileCheck_KeyDown GMaxCombo_KeyDown HideButton_KeyDown HMaxCombo_KeyDown IMaxCombo_KeyDown Mon_KeyDown Tm_KeyDown Wkday_KeyDown Yr_KeyDown MinJaws CludgeTimer_Timer TimeToGo ProcessProgMan Form6/ NumYourGroupsA FindYourPGroupsh NumYour NumberofGroups ClearCombos ListCount NumberOr Number Groups MaxCurrentItems MNumArray Form_LinkClose HideTest FileFrame_DragDrop MaxFrame_DragDrop TestDisplay_DragDrop MinMC ConfButton_Click 0=OK 1=Cancell Default Load ProgMan Groupsa Error in Progman.Ini FileCheck_Click hidebutton_click DTOpt_Click TransferDTOpt SaveChanges stores user's choice internally if save is choosen Fundemental Parameter Change You must restart MC for the change to take effect" You have groups and will lose some if your request to change the maximum number to is honored. You must delete some groups first. You have items in one or more groups and will lose some if your request to change the maximum number to" is honored. You must delete some items first." SetDefaults DateSep_Click MinLoadCheck_KeyDown ShowTest Mon_Click Tm_Click Wkday_Click Yr_Click ConfButton_KeyDown DateSep_KeyDown DTOpt_KeyDown FileCheck_KeyDown Form_KeyDown GMaxCombo_KeyDown HideButton_KeyDown HMaxCombo_KeyDown IMaxCombo_KeyDown LoadOpt_KeyDown Mon_KeyDown Tm_KeyDown Wkday_KeyDown Yr_KeyDown CludgeTimer_Timer see the comments in the article on the need for this!! MaxCurrentItems Form_Load March 9, 1992 at 2:43:25 PM2