movefish movezebrafish movemsjfish moveplant1 moveplant2 moveplant3 moveplant4 movestarfish movelittlefish moveangelfish Zvpos,y "Zebrafish" y > 9060 -3435 (y+300) "Littlefish" y < -1110 (y-500) (x-100) "Angelfish" y < -2500 (y-300) "Msjfish" y > 9255 -2700 (y+400) Move the "Plant1" 6825, 3330 6855, 3315 "Plant2" 7110, 2460 7245, 2460 "Plant3" 7920, 3735 8040, 3765 "Plant4" 8220, 4575 8430, 4575 "Starfish" 3960, 5580 3975, 5445 3720, 5445 3630, 5535 moveangelfish movemsjfish movezebrafish moveplant1 moveplant2 moveplant3 movelittlefish moveplant4 movestarfish enmovefish enmovefish kMmovezebrafish movemsjfish moveplant1 moveplant2 moveplant3 moveplant4 #.movestarfish movelittlefish DAmoveangelfish enmovefish enmovefish movezebrafish Zebrafish movelittlefish Littlefish moveangelfish Angelfish Angelfish movemsjfish Msjfish Msjfish moveplant1 Plant1 Plant1 moveplant2 Plant2 Plant2 moveplant3 Plant3 Plant3 moveplant4 Plant4 Plant4 movestarfish Starfish Starfish Starfish Starfish Plant1 Plant2 Plant3 Plant4 Starfish Move the 3660, 5535 3600, 5535 3495, 5535 3420, 5535 3495, 5535 3660, 5535 3840, 5535 3975, 5550 3960, 5640 3870, 5625 3795, 5595 3735, 5580 3690, 5580 buttonUp buttonUp Zebrafish :PHYSSIZE Littlefish :PHYSSIZE "Changing Properties" buttonUp buttonUp Changing Properties Zoom back to Demo MSJFish Move the 7351, 3191 7111, 3056 6646, 2936 6226, 2636 5776, 2336 5266, 2201 4891, 2201 4366, 2216 3706, 2396 3541, 2621 3316, 2951 3121, 3476 3526, 4136 4306, 4316 5176, 4376 5806, 4406 6256, 4271 6586, 3896 7006, 3431 7636, 3431 buttonUp buttonUp :PHYSSIZE --Script IDLE 4colorcount movefish + > 8 colorchange 4xhue,xlightness,xintensity A + 60 I + 10 K - 10 colorchange enmovefish colorchange colorcount colorchange xlightness xintensity T"@#X MSJFish Move the 7351, 3191 7111, 3056 6646, 2936 6226, 2636 5776, 2336 5266, 2201 4891, 2201 4366, 2216 3706, 2396 3541, 2621 3316, 2951 3121, 3476 3526, 4136 4306, 4316 5176, 4376 5806, 4406 6256, 4271 6586, 3896 7006, 3431 7636, 3431 buttonUp buttonUp :PHYSSIZE "Changing Properties" buttonUp buttonUp Changing Properties Click Here to Dissolve to next page... (:PHYSSIZE "Changing Properties" buttonUp buttonUp Changing Properties Click Here to Continue... showscript Maffei Editor, MSJ showscript 666 Third Avenue New York 10017 (212) 972-5440 MSJ ToolBook Demo System `D|D| Courier `D|D|= urier `D|D| Tms Rmn `D|D| Tms Rmn `D|D|= `D|D|= System `D|D|= Courier `D|D|= rminal `D|D| rminal `D|D|= `D|D|= "MSJSYSBK.TBK" c"File" )Reader c"Edit" c"Page" c"Text" sysRuntime c"Level" "Author" "Exit" enterBook leaveBook enterBook MSJSYSBK.TBK Level Author Level leaveBook Maffei showscript clearscriptfield leaveBackground leaveBackground clearscriptfield Book Title Welcome to the MSJ oolBook Demo ToolBook Demo reens, actions or information in ToolBook Changing Properties Richard Microsoft Systems Journallllllllllllllllllllllllllll 504 High, #4 Ann Arbor 48104 313-668-8734 showscript to handle buttonUp fxWipe right fast to page "Changing Properties" m to this background page left send newPage to this page -- add new blank page first go to previous page of this background -- then go and delete end select this page send clear go to page 1 of background "Data Entry" -- go to new page send updaterecnum to this background set sysLockScreen to false ScriptDisplay --Page three : Fish animation sequence 4x, dir_z,dir_bm Zcount, rndm movelittleMSJfish < 4) movebigMSJfish moveplant4 moveplant3 moveplant2 moveplant1 movezebrafish movestarfish moveangelfish Zvpos,x "Angelfish" x < -2500 (x-100- (400)) -- swims --only horizontally "Zebrafish" y < 500 wanders between two depths flips -- 1 y > 3000 (400))) x > 9060 -3435 (x+100+ (300)) y < -1110 takes a diagonal path --across the tank (500)) (x-40- (100)) x > 9255 -2700 (x+80+ (700)) --The fastest course! y = 300 --This wiggles --up & down Move "Plant1" 6825, 3330 6855, 3315 "Plant2" 7110, 2460 7245, 2460 "Plant3" 7920, 3735 8040, 3765 "Plant4" 8220, 4575 8430, 4575 "Starfish" 3960, 5580 3975, 5445 3720, 5445 3630, 5535 movelittleMSJfish movebigMSJfish moveangelfish moveplant1 moveplant2 moveplant3 movezebrafish moveplant4 movestarfish movelittleMSJfish avmovebigMSJfish moveplant4 moveplant3 moveplant2 moveplant1 moveplant1 moveplant2 moveplant3 moveplant4 kMmovezebrafish #.movestarfish DAmoveangelfish count dir_z dir_bm moveangelfish Angelfish Angelfish movezebrafish Zebrafish dir_z movelittleMSJfish littleMSJfish movebigMSJfish bigMSJfish bigMSJfish moveplant1 Plant1 Plant1 moveplant2 Plant2 Plant2 moveplant3 Plant3 Plant3 moveplant4 Plant4 Plant4 movestarfish Starfish Starfish Starfish Starfish Plant1 plant3 Starfish Move the 3660, 5535 3600, 5535 3495, 5535 3420, 5535 3495, 5535 3660, 5535 3840, 5535 3975, 5550 3960, 5640 3870, 5625 3795, 5595 3735, 5580 3690, 5580 buttonUp buttonUp Zebrafish :PHYSSIZE "Changing Properties" buttonUp buttonUp Changing Properties Zoom back to Demo littleMSJFish "littleMSJFish" Move the 7351, 3191 7111, 3056 6646, 2936 6226, 2636 5776, 2336 5266, 2201 4891, 2201 4366, 2216 3706, 2396 3541, 2621 3316, 2951 3121, 3476 3526, 4136 4306, 4316 5176, 4376 5806, 4406 6256, 4271 6586, 3896 7006, 3431 7636, 3431 buttonUp buttonUp littleMSJFish :PHYSSIZE Plant4 Plant2 showscript MSJDEMO: No script for this object; press right mouse button to close field :PHYSSIZE Changing Properties changeboxcolor 4hue, lightness, intensity "HueField" * 3) "LightnessField" "IntensityField" "ColorBox" changeboxcolor enterPage buttonUp changeboxcolor HueField LightnessField IntensityField ColorBox lightness intensity enterPage HueField LightnessField IntensityField jchangeboxcolor lightness intensity buttonUp HueField IntensityField LightnessField jchangeboxcolor ChangeButton -- ChangeButton Script {handler 4counter y -- Ihere? Finitialize "Rounded "Shadowed "Radio "Rectangle "Check buttonDown buttonDown Rounded Button Shadowed Button Radio Button Rectangle Button Check Button counter dio Button Click the button at right to transform itsBorder and Caption -----> "The uproperty changed _like the following: ' f"Ok" buttonUp buttonUp The borderStyle property of a button is changed with a command like the following: 'set borderStyle to radiobutton' "The changed _like the following: ' Radio'" f"Ok" buttonUp buttonUp The caption of a button is changed with a command like the following: 'set caption to Radio' Changing an Object's Properties with OpenScript dio Button Rounded Button box toare Hotwords -- Click them for more information)+ "Hotwords let you create HyperText links other screens, actions information ToolBook" f"Ok" buttonUp buttonUp Hotwords let you create HyperText links to other screens, actions or information in ToolBook showscript MSJDEMO: No script for this object; press right mouse button to close fieldsystem counter if counter is null -- first time here? then initialize counter set counter to 0 end conditions when counter is 0 set borderStyle to rounded set caption to "Rounded Button" when counter is 1 set borderStyle to shadowed set caption to "Shadowed Button" when counter is 2 set borderStyle to radiobutton set caption to "Radio Button" when counter is 3 set borderStyle to rectangle set caption to "Rectangle Button" when counter is 4 set borderStyle to checkbox set caption to "Check Button" end increment counter if counter > 4 set counter to 0 end IntensityField changeboxcolor buttonUp buttonUp jchangeboxcolor 12345678901 LightnessField changeboxcolor buttonUp buttonUp jchangeboxcolor 12345678901 Hue Lightness Intensity ColorBox changeboxcolor buttonUp buttonUp jchangeboxcolor Use the Scroll Bars at right to change the color of the rectangle at left. Then, press the Apply button, below. "(These bars are actually formed fields &condensed so that only the J itself appears.)" f"Ok" buttonUp buttonUp (These scroll bars are actually formed from fields with scroll bars. The fields are condensed so that only the scroll bar itself appears.) HueField changeboxcolor buttonUp buttonUp jchangeboxcolor 4012345678934332345678901234567 changeboxcolor buttonUp buttonUp jchangeboxcolor Apply Color (The words 'Border' and 'Caption' in the box to the left are Hotwords -- Click them for more information) addrmail.tbk updaterecnum buttonUp buttonUp "updaterecnum only qblank delete /"Data Entry" updaterecnum buttonUp buttonUp oy5newPage clear Data Entry "updaterecnum updaterecnum buttonUp buttonUp oy5newPage "updaterecnum Changing Properties ChangeButton -- ChangeButton Script {handler 4counter y -- Ihere? Finitialize "Rounded "Shadowed "Radio "Rectangle "Check buttonDown buttonDown Rounded Button Shadowed Button Radio Button Rectangle Button Check Button counter Click the button at right to transform itsBorder and Caption -----> "The uproperty changed _like the following: ' f"Ok" buttonUp buttonUp The borderStyle property of a button is changed with a command like the following: 'set borderStyle to radiobutton' "The changed _like the following: ' Radio'" f"Ok" buttonUp buttonUp The caption of a button is changed with a command like the following: 'set caption to Radio' Changing an Object's Properties with OpenScript ('Border' and 'Caption' are Hotwords -- Click them for more information) "Hotwords let you create HyperText links other screens, actions information ToolBook" f"Ok" buttonUp buttonUp Hotwords let you create HyperText links to other screens, actions or information in ToolBook showscript Check Button MSJDEMO: No script for this object; press right mouse button to close fieldsystem counter if counter is null -- first time here? then initialize counter set counter to 0 end conditions when counter is 0 set borderStyle to rounded set caption to "Rounded Button" when counter is 1 set borderStyle to shadowed set caption to "Shadowed Button" when counter is 2 set borderStyle to radiobutton set caption to "Radio Button" when counter is 3 set borderStyle to rectangle set caption to "Rectangle Button" when counter is 4 set borderStyle to checkbox set caption to "Check Button" end increment counter if counter > 4 set counter to 0 end owscript ColorBox IntensityField LightnessField HueField 12345678901 12345678901 123456789 Hue Lightness Intensity changeboxcolor buttonUp buttonUp jchangeboxcolor 4012345678934332345678901234567 Use the Scroll Bars at right to change the color of the rectangle at left. changeboxcolor buttonUp buttonUp jchangeboxcolor changeboxcolor Zhue, lightness, intensity "HueField" * 3) "LightnessField" "IntensityField" "ColorBox" boxcolor changeboxcolor enterPage changeboxcolor HueField LightnessField IntensityField ColorBox lightness intensity enterPage jchangeboxcolor enterPage jchangeboxcolor "(These bars are actually formed fields &condensed so that only the J itself appears.)" f"Ok" buttonUp buttonUp (These scroll bars are actually formed from fields with scroll bars. The fields are condensed so that only the scroll bar itself appears.) changeboxcolor buttonUp buttonUp jchangeboxcolor changeboxcolor buttonUp buttonUp jchangeboxcolor Data Entry updaterecnum "recordnumber" deleterecord only qblank /"Data Entry" addrecord previousrecord nextrecord updaterecnum deleterecord enterBackground addrecord previousrecord nextrecord enterBackground "updaterecnum updaterecnum recordnumber deleterecord oy5newPage clear Data Entry "updaterecnum addrecord oy5newPage "updaterecnum previousrecord "updaterecnum nextrecord "updaterecnum previousrecord "updaterecnum nextrecord "updaterecnum addrecord buttonUp buttonUp }addrecord Add New Entry deleterecord buttonUp buttonUp deleterecord Delete This Entry previousrecord buttonUp buttonUp previousrecord Previous Entry "Changing Properties" buttonUp buttonUp Changing Properties Wipe back to Demo A Simple Database and Notebook First Name Last Namee Address 1 Address 2 State Zipcode Phoneeeeee Record: recordnumber previousrecord buttonUp buttonUp previousrecord nextrecord buttonUp buttonUp nextrecord Next Entry nextrecord buttonUp buttonUp nextrecord ` o ~ ~ 8 ` 3 ~ B ` addrecord buttonUp buttonUp }addrecord addrmail.tbk deleterecord buttonUp buttonUp deleterecord :PHYSSIZE Changing Properties changeboxcolor Zhue, lightness, intensity "HueField" * 3) "LightnessField" "IntensityField" "ColorBox" changeboxcolor enterPage buttonUp changeboxcolor HueField LightnessField IntensityField ColorBox lightness intensity enterPage jchangeboxcolor buttonUp HueField IntensityField LightnessField jchangeboxcolor ChangeButton -- ChangeButton Script {handler 4counter y -- Ihere? Finitialize "Rounded "Shadowed "Radio "Rectangle "Check buttonDown buttonDown Rounded Button Shadowed Button Radio Button Rectangle Button Check Button counter Radio Button Click the button at right to transform itsBorder and Caption -----> "The uproperty changed _like the following: ' f"Ok" buttonUp buttonUp The borderStyle property of a button is changed with a command like the following: 'set borderStyle to radiobutton' "The changed _like the following: ' Radio'" f"Ok" buttonUp buttonUp The caption of a button is changed with a command like the following: 'set caption to Radio' Changing an Object's Properties with OpenScript ('Border' and 'Caption' are Hotwords -- Click them for more information) "Hotwords let you create HyperText links other screens, actions information ToolBook" f"Ok" buttonUp buttonUp Hotwords let you create HyperText links to other screens, actions or information in ToolBook showscript MSJDEMO: No script for this object; press right mouse button to close fieldsystem counter if counter is null -- first time here? then initialize counter set counter to 0 end conditions when counter is 0 set borderStyle to rounded set caption to "Rounded Button" when counter is 1 set borderStyle to shadowed set caption to "Shadowed Button" when counter is 2 set borderStyle to radiobutton set caption to "Radio Button" when counter is 3 set borderStyle to rectangle set caption to "Rectangle Button" when counter is 4 set borderStyle to checkbox set caption to "Check Button" end increment counter if counter > 4 set counter to 0 end IntensityField changeboxcolor buttonUp buttonUp jchangeboxcolor 12345678901 LightnessField changeboxcolor buttonUp buttonUp jchangeboxcolor 12345678901 Hue Lightness Intensity ColorBox changeboxcolor buttonUp buttonUp jchangeboxcolor Use the Scroll Bars at right to change the color of the rectangle at left. Then, press the Apply button, below. "(These bars are actually formed fields &condensed so that only the J itself appears.)" f"Ok" buttonUp buttonUp (These scroll bars are actually formed from fields with scroll bars. The fields are condensed so that only the scroll bar itself appears.) HueField changeboxcolor buttonUp buttonUp jchangeboxcolor 4012345678934332345678901234567 changeboxcolor buttonUp buttonUp jchangeboxcolor Apply Color MSJ ToolBook Demo System `D|D| urier `D|D|= urier `D|D| p GITAL `D|D| t t ` `D|D|= `D|D|= System `D|D|= urier `D|D|= rminal `D|D| rminal `D|D|= `D|D|= c"File" )Reader c"Edit" c"Page" c"Text" sysRuntime c"Level" "Author" "Exit" movefish Select Group "MSJFish" Move the 7636, 4916 7651, 4631 7666, 4241 When 7576, 3911 7441, 3776 7306, 3701 7201, 3641 7231, 3236 7141, 2711 6961, 2381 6721, 2126 6406, 1961 6121, 1316 5236, 551 4681, 551 4036, 551 3226, 551 2476, 701 2221, 1301 2021, 1671 1996, 1901 1696, 2846 1366, 3206 961, 3716 931, 4406 1606, 5066 2671, 5171 3616, 5666 5116, 6206 4216, -1439 4276, -814 4711, -379 5281, 311 5761, 1046 6256, 1691 6916, 2381 7381, 3131 7546, 4091 7531, 4826 7531, 4931 7636, 4871 terBook leaveBook enterBook movefish enterBook Level Author Level leaveBook movefish MSJFish f1p B `D|D| Roman `D|D| c"File" )Reader c"Edit" c"Page" c"Text" sysRuntime c"Level" "Author" "Exit" _rightButtonUp 4fieldexists -- global flag designate existence createscriptfield "showscript" "MSJDEMO: No {; press mouse close 1000,1000 8000,5000 clearscriptfield movefish Select Group "MSJFish" Move the 7636, 4916 7651, 4631 7666, 4241 When 7576, 3911 7441, 3776 7306, 3701 7201, 3641 7231, 3236 7141, 2711 6961, 2381 6721, 2126 6406, 1961 6121, 1316 5236, 551 4681, 551 4036, 551 3226, 551 2476, 701 2221, 1301 2021, 1671 1996, 1901 1696, 2846 1366, 3206 961, 3716 931, 4406 1606, 5066 2671, 5171 3616, 5666 5116, 6206 4216, -1439 4276, -814 4711, -379 5281, 311 5761, 1046 6256, 1691 6916, 2381 7381, 3131 7546, 4091 7531, 4826 7531, 4931 7636, 4871 enterBook _rightButtonUp createscriptfield leaveBook clearscriptfield movefish enterBook Level Author Level leaveBook _rightButtonUp createscriptfield showscript MSJDEMO: No script for this object; press right mouse button to close field showscript showscript showscript fieldexists createscriptfield showscript showscript showscript clearscriptfield showscript fieldexists movefish MSJFish 0:PRINTLAYOUT Changing Properties changeboxcolor 4hue, lightness, intensity "HueField" * 3) "LightnessField" "IntensityField" "ColorBox" changeboxcolor enterPage buttonUp changeboxcolor HueField LightnessField IntensityField ColorBox lightness intensity enterPage HueField LightnessField IntensityField jchangeboxcolor lightness intensity buttonUp HueField IntensityField LightnessField jchangeboxcolor ChangeButton -- ChangeButton Script {handler 4counter y -- Ihere? Finitialize "Rounded "Shadowed "Radio "Rectangle "Check buttonDown buttonDown Rounded Button Shadowed Button Radio Button Rectangle Button Check Button counter Radio Button Click the button at right to transform itsBorder and Caption -----> "The uproperty changed _like the following: ' f"Ok" buttonUp buttonUp The borderStyle property of a button is changed with a command like the following: 'set borderStyle to radiobutton' "The changed _like the following: ' Radio'" f"Ok" buttonUp buttonUp The caption of a button is changed with a command like the following: 'set caption to Radio' Changing an Object's Properties with OpenScript ('Border' and 'Caption' are Hotwords -- Click them for more information) "Hotwords let you create HyperText links other screens, actions information ToolBook" f"Ok" buttonUp buttonUp Hotwords let you create HyperText links to other screens, actions or information in ToolBook showscript MSJDEMO: No script for this object; press right mouse button to close fieldsystem counter if counter is null -- first time here? then initialize counter set counter to 0 end conditions when counter is 0 set borderStyle to rounded set caption to "Rounded Button" when counter is 1 set borderStyle to shadowed set caption to "Shadowed Button" when counter is 2 set borderStyle to radiobutton set caption to "Radio Button" when counter is 3 set borderStyle to rectangle set caption to "Rectangle Button" when counter is 4 set borderStyle to checkbox set caption to "Check Button" end increment counter if counter > 4 set counter to 0 end IntensityField changeboxcolor buttonUp buttonUp jchangeboxcolor 12345678901 LightnessField changeboxcolor buttonUp buttonUp jchangeboxcolor 12345678901 Hue Lightness Intensity ColorBox changeboxcolor buttonUp buttonUp jchangeboxcolor Use the Scroll Bars at right to change the color of the rectangle at left. Then, press the Apply button, below. "(These bars are actually formed fields &condensed so that only the J itself appears.)" f"Ok" buttonUp buttonUp (These scroll bars are actually formed from fields with scroll bars. The fields are condensed so that only the scroll bar itself appears.) HueField changeboxcolor buttonUp buttonUp jchangeboxcolor 4012345678934332345678901234567 changeboxcolor buttonUp buttonUp jchangeboxcolor Apply Color ChangeButton -- ChangeButton Script {handler 4counter y -- Ihere? Finitialize "Rounded "Shadowed "Radio "Rectangle "Check buttonDown buttonDown Rounded Button Shadowed Button Radio Button Rectangle Button Check Button counter eck Button Click the button at right to transform its Border and Caption --> "The uproperty changed _like the following: ' f"Ok" buttonUp buttonUp The borderStyle property of a button is changed with a command like the following: 'set borderStyle to radiobutton' "The changed _like the following: ' Radio'" f"Ok" buttonUp buttonUp The caption of a button is changed with a command like the following: 'set caption to Radio' Changing an Object's Properties with OpenScript ('Border' and 'Caption' are Hotwords -- Click them for more information) "Hotwords let you create HyperText links other screens, actions information ToolBook" f"Ok" buttonUp buttonUp Hotwords let you create HyperText links to other screens, actions or information in ToolBook dio Button Rounded Button owscript MSJ ToolBook Demo System `D|D| urier `D|D|= urier `D|D| p GITAL `D|D| t t ` `D|D|= `D|D|= System `D|D|= urier `D|D|= rminal `D|D| rminal `D|D|= `D|D|= c"File" )Reader c"Edit" c"Page" c"Text" sysRuntime c"Level" "Author" "Exit" 4fieldexists -- global flag designate existence createscriptfield "showscript" "MSJDEMO: No {; press mouse close 1000,1000 8000,5000 clearscriptfield movefish Select Group "MSJFish" Move the 7636, 4916 7636, 4766 7651, 4631 7666, 4406 7666, 4241 When 7636, 4046 7576, 3911 7531, 3836 Npos 7441, 3776 7366, 3731 7306, 3701 7231, 3671 7201, 3641 7246, 3506 7231, 3236 7186, 2921 7141, 2711 7051, 2531 6961, 2381 6826, 2231 6721, 2126 6601, 1991 6406, 1961 6211, 1496 6121, 1316 5716, 686 5236, 551 4981, 551 4681, 551 4261, 551 4036, 551 3691, 551 3226, 551 2806, 551 2476, 701 2356, 971 2221, 1301 2071, 1571 2021, 1671 2000, 1871 1996, 1901 1951, 2546 1696, 2846 1561, 2996 1366, 3206 1156, 3401 961, 3716 901, 4016 931, 4406 1216, 4751 1606, 5066 2071, 5126 2671, 5171 3166, 5411 3616, 5666 4861, 5966 5116, 6206 5356, 6416 4216, -439 4216, -919 4276, -814 4351, -619 4711, -379 4981, -79 5281, 311 5566, 761 5761, 1046 6076, 1406 6256, 1691 6571, 2051 6916, 2381 7231, 2636 7381, 3131 7471, 3731 7546, 4091 7531, 4511 7531, 4826 7531, 4601 7531, 4931 7636, 5306 7636, 4871 7681, 4676 > 81 enterBook rightButtonUp createscriptfield leaveBook clearscriptfield movefish enterBook Level Author Level leaveBook rightButtonUp createscriptfield showscript MSJDEMO: No script for this object; press right mouse button to close field showscript showscript showscript fieldexists createscriptfield showscript showscript showscript clearscriptfield showscript fieldexists movefish MSJFish `D|D| Roman `D|D| `D|D| colorchange lightness intensity he ScriptField set text of field "ScriptField" of this background to script of button "ChangeButton" end conditions when counter is 0 set borderStyle to rounded set caption to "Rounded Button" when counter is 1 set borderStyle to shadowed set caption to "Shadowed Button" when counter is 2 set borderStyle to radiobutton set caption to "Radio Button" when counter is 3 set borderStyle to rectangle set caption to "Rectangle Button" when counter is 4 set borderStyle to checkbox set caption to "Check Button" end increment counter if counter > 4 set counter to 0 end Executing the following OpenScript Statement(s): /"Data Entry" buttonUp buttonUp Data Entry buttonUp buttonUp Entry Last Namee Address 1 Address 2 State Zipcode Phoneeeeee Record: recordnumber Data Entry ScriptDisplay 7 @Y buttonUp buttonUp Dissolve to Previous Page /"Data Entry" buttonUp buttonUp Data Entry Wipe to Database Demo buttonUp buttonUp Zoom to Animation Demo showscript Demo buttonUp buttonUp Zoom to Animation Demo showscript Jonathon Lazarus Publisher, MSJ 666 Third Avenue New York 10017 (212) 972-5440 enterBook leaveBook enterBook c:\toolbook\MSJSYSBK.TBK Level Author Level fieldexists leaveBook fieldexists --Script IDLE 4colorcount movefish + > 8 colorchange 4xhue,xlightness,xintensity A + 60 I + 10 K - 10 colorchange enmovefish colorchange colorcount colorchange xlightness xintensity MSJFish Move the 7351, 3191 7111, 3056 6646, 2936 6226, 2636 5776, 2336 5266, 2201 4891, 2201 4366, 2216 3706, 2396 3541, 2621 3316, 2951 3121, 3476 3526, 4136 4306, 4316 5176, 4376 5806, 4406 6256, 4271 6586, 3896 7006, 3431 7636, 3431 buttonUp buttonUp :PHYSSIZE "Changing Properties" buttonUp buttonUp Changing Properties Click Here to Dissolve to next page... (:PHYSSIZE showscript MSJDEMO: No script for this object; press right mouse button to close field v 3 w Angelfish :PHYSSIZE BigMSJfish :PHYSSIZE clearscriptfield leaveBackground leaveBackground clearscriptfield Book Title Welcome to the MSJ oolBook Demo ToolBook Demo :PHYSSIZE By Richard Hale Shaw