80X86.ASC Title: 80x86 OPTIMIZATION Keywords: MAR91 ASM 80286 80386 80486 Source code for Michael Abrash's article on ways to optimize 80x86 assembly language code. 386BSD.MAR Title: PORTING UNIX TO THE 386: THE STANDALONE SYSTEM Keywords: MAR91 UNIX 80386 Source code examples accompanying Bill and Lynne Jolitz's series article on porting BSD Unix to the 80386. This month, they use the February 1991 protected-mode loader to create a minimum 80386 portected-mode standalone C programming environment for operating systems kernel development. ASM_MACRO.ASC Title: ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE MACROS Keywords: MAR91 ASM MACROS Source code that implements Ken Skier's approach to assembly language macros. BUFFER.ASC Title: SPEEDY BUFFERING Keywords: MAR91 BASIC Source code that implements Bruce Tonkin's technique for speeding up data access by using a fast buffering routine. MEWEL.ASC Title: THE MEWEL WINDOW SYSTEM Keywords: MAR91 SAA/CUA WINDOW SYSTEM Source code that implements a memo pad; from Al Stevens's "Examining Room" review of Mewel from Magma Software Systems. NET_WIN3.ASC Title: NETWORKING WITH WINDOWS 3 Keywords: MAR91 NETWORKING WINDOWS DOS COMMUNICATIONS Source code for Mike Klein's "Megaphon" program, a Windows 3 chat utility for networks. MEGAPHON.ARC Title: NETWORKING WITH WINDOWS 3 Keywords: MAR91 NETWORKING WINDOWS DOS COMMUNICATIONS Source code, resource files, and exe for Mike Klein's program. C_PROGRM.ASC Title: C PROGRAMMING COLUMN Keywords: MAR91 C DOS EVENT-DRIVEN MOUSE KEYBOARD Source code for Al Stevens's "C Programming Column," this month on event-driven programming. GRAPHICS.ASC Title: GRAPHICS PROGRAMMING COLUMN Keywords: MAR91 GRAPHICS POLYGONS Source code for Michael Abrash's "Graphics Programming Column," this month on optimzing filled convex polygons.