This software is distributed as is. THIS IS A BETA VERSION OF THIS APPLICATION NOTE, please give us your suggestions and opinions. The following disk contains sample code to access the mouse from the PowerStation. It is based on the example in \SAMPLES\GRAPHICS\DEMO, but has many corrections and some extensions. The disk contains the following files: README.TXT MOUSE.ASM !Functions to access the mouse MOUSE.OBJ !Assembled version of MOUSE.ASM MOUSE.FI !Prototypes for the mouse functions MOUSE.FD !Data declarations for the functions M_TEST.FOR !Fortran program demonstrating the functions LEGAL.TXT Description of rights and responsibilities Some additional information: These are the new mouse functions: GetButtonPress !Number of times a button was pressed, and !the position of the last press GetButtonRelease !Number of times a button was released, and !the position of the last release The following functions are provided for using the mouse: INTEGER FUNCTION MouseInit() Explicitly calling the initialization function is not required since it will automatically be called the first time one of the following functions is executed. LOGICAL FUNCTION GetMouseEvent(Event) Check for differences in the mouse state SUBROUTINE GetPtrPos(Event) Get the current position and state of mouse cursor SUBROUTINE SetPtrPos(x, y) Set the current position of mouse cursor INTEGER FUNCTION GetButtonPress(Btn_sts) Get the number of times a button was pressed, and the position of the last press INTEGER FUNCTION GetButtonRelease(Btn_sts) Get the number of times a button was released, and the position of the last release SUBROUTINE SetPtrVis(iPV) Set cursor visibility The following function was removed since the interupt it is based on was not implemented: SetPtrShape To create the example: FL32 M_TEST.FOR MOUSE.OBJ For more information see the FORTRAN example source code M_TEST.FOR, and the mouse source and header files MOUSE.ASM, MOUSE.FI, and MOUSE.FD. *** Issues *** getptrpos may not work in text mode