This software is distributed as is. THIS IS A BETA VERSION OF THIS APPLICATION NOTE, please give us your suggestions and opinions. The following disk contains sample code that demonstrates accessing memory from a Fortran PowerStation application by making calls to the DOSXNT DOS extender. The disk contains the following files: README.TXT LEGAL.TXT Description of rights and responsibilities DOSX_API.OBJ !Functions to read and write real memory DOSX_API.FI !Prototypes for the functions in DOSX_API API_TEST.FOR !Fortran program demonstrating the functions MAP.OBJ !Function: re-map memory to physical address ! NOTE: This function fails under DPMI TEST.FOR !Test program for MAP.OBJ There are 2 OBJ files for 2 very different situations: DOSX_API.OBJ Uses standard API calls Works with or without DPMI Only accesses real memory (low 1Meg) MAP.OBJ Does a low-level re-map of memory allowing efficient Peek/Poke into physical memory from Fortran Only works without DPMI (will not work in a DOS-Prompt under Windows) Can be used to access any memory location DOSX_API - Additional Information These are the memory access functions: ReadMemQQ WriteMemQQ Before making calls to either function, internal data must be initialized with: DosInitInterface (this function only needs to be called once) To create the example: FL32 API_TEST.FOR DOSX_API.OBJ For more information see the FORTRAN example source code API_TEST.FOR, and the header file DOSX_API.FI. MAP - Additional Information *** This function only works in DOS, not DOS under Windows *** The following function prototype is required: interface to integer*4 function mapmem + [stdcall,alias:'_MAPMEM@12'] + (addr,memsize,physaddr) integer*4 addr[value] integer*4 memsize[value] integer*4 physaddr[value] end ADDR is the address of a PAGE-ALIGNED memory location in the application's memory space. If this is not page aligned (mod 4096) then the function will fail. MEMSIZE is the amount of memory in bytes to be mapped. It must be a multiple of 4096. PHYSADDR is the physical memory location to be mapped in. The return value is the error status. 0, no error 8, if memory error 9, if invalid memory region (probably not page-aligned). 130, if not supported under DPMI server The FORTRAN code will need to declare a static or allocatable array of at least 4K larger then required since there is no way to force arrays to be page-aligned. Both the starting memory location passed into the MAPMEM function (some offset into the array) and the MEMSIZE value must be multiples of 4096. Care must be taken that the memory block starting at logical address ADDR of size MEMSIZE is within the logical address space of the array. Once the MAPMEM function has been successfully called then the FORTRAN program can proceed to simply read from or write to the array that was mapped and the data will be be read from or sent to the actual physical memory location. Care must be taken to write to the correct elements in the array since the mapped memory will begin at some offset into the array. For information on how to determine ADDR, MEMSIZE, and the offset, see the example TEST.FOR. To build the example: FL32 TEST.FOR MAP.OBJ