I'm continuously aggravated by the lack of source code these days (especially since MS-DOS has overwhelmed the older CP/M usage). Here's a whole package of handy batch utilities .. but source code? Oh, no.... someone might lose the rights or trade secrets to this really wondrous, unique stuff .. nuts .. So I disassembled the whole mess (well, most of it, anyway). Documented things fairly well (in most cases), and in almost EVERY case was able to make significant improvements in speed, size, logic, comprehension, whatever. Many many thanks to the author of ASMGEN, the key to this effort. File title notes: The original .COM files have been renamed with a terminal "0" in their file name. If I REALLY did a hack, you might see a "1" or "2" as the last file name character. The compiled version of my .ASM code will be the original name (no terminal "0"). In one case (REBOOT), I brought in a newer version written by another author that wasn't in this package. If you don't like my code .. tough .. at least NOW you can tweak it yourself! And that's the whole idea, my friends. The original documentation is basically as I found it. Broke up a couple files into separate .DOCs related directly to the programs described, but didn't edit (or even try to understand) the original documentation. David Kirschbaum Toad Hall kirsch@braggvax.ARPA