Section: Setl2 Version 2.2 (Local)
Updated: 9 September 1990
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stll - library utility program
stlc - SETL2 compiler
stlx - SETL2 executor  


There are three general steps to be performed before you can use SETL2:

Your PATH environment string must include the directory where SETL2's executable files are installed (/usr/local/bin on this system).

You need to create an empty SETL2 library to hold the SETL2 objects you'll make.

You need to create an environment string pointing to this library.



One of the command files distributed with SETL2 is stll, a library utility program. Eventually, this should perform a variety of functions, but at the moment it is only used to create empty libraries. To do that, change to any directory where you keep data files and enter the following command:
stll -c ``library name''

A normal ``library name'' is setl2.lib.

Finally, you should set the environment string SETL2_LIB to tell SETL2 where your default library is. The command to do this, setenv SETL2_LIB ~setl2.lib, is best placed in your .login file.  


The command to compile a SETL2 source program is:
stlc <options> <file specifier> [<file specifier> ...]

You may use wild cards in specifying the files to be compiled. The following options are recognized:

Produce a listing of the program with line numbers and error messages. By default errors will be printed on standard output. If this option is given a listing file with the extension .lis will be produced.
-t n
Set tab width to n. This is generally an unnecessary option. Error messages include both line and column numbers, and the column numbers will be incorrect if the source file uses tabs not set at eight column intervals. If an editor is used which can move the cursor to the line and column of an error, it will need that information. By setting this option any tab interval may be used. If line number information is sufficient (which is generally the case) this option can be ignored.
Disable implicit declarations. SETL implicitly declared any names for which it did not find an explicit declaration. SETL2 continued this by default, but for other than quick and dirty programs that may not be desirable. When this option is set all variables must be declared.
We do make implicit declarations by default, since we feel that the compile commands for larger programs will generally be in make files, which do not have to be changed very often. The compile command should be convenient for short programs, in which case implicit declarations will probably be desired. If you disagree with this philosophy, you can set the environment string to your own desired defaults.
Toggle use of intermediate files. By default, the compiler stores intermediate forms of the program on disk for MS-DOS systems and in core on Unix systems. This option reverses that setting. If you are using an operating system with virtual memory, you will probably find it faster to compile in core only. If you are using a PC, this is not recommended, since at present the compiler does not make use of extended or expanded memory and there is not much extra memory in a PC. The best thing you can do with expanded or extended memory is to use a RAM disk, and set the environment option to force intermediate files to be stored there.
-l file name
Updated library name. This string must be a valid file name on the system you are using. If there are embedded spaces you must use quotes to make the file name a single string.
-p file path
Library search path. This is a list of semicolon-delimited file specifiers which describe a list of files to be searched for any imported packages. Each specifier may contain wildcards if desired. You should note that the compiler will search only until it finds a package with the name given in a use clause. It will not check for duplicates. When wildcards are used, the order of search will depend on the disk subsystem (system calls are used to expand the file specifiers).


After the program is successfully compiled it may be executed with the command:
stlx <options> <program name> [<argument> ...]

CAUTION: When you execute a program, you give the name of the program, not the name of the file which contained it. For example: if the following program:

program this_is_a_junk_program;
var some_trash;
end this_is_a_junk_program;

is in the file junk.stl, then you would compile that program with the command

stlc junk

but you would execute the program with the command

stlx this_is_a_junk_program

The arguments after the program name will be gathered into a tuple, and will be available to the SETL2 program as command_line.

The options available are:

-a mode
This sets the assert mode. There are two possible values for mode: f is used if failing assertions should stop the program but succeeding assertions should be skipped, and l is used if succeeding assertions should be logged.
-l file name
Updated library name. The library is not actually updated, this is provided for consistency with the compiler. This library will be searched before those in the search path.
-p file path
Library search path. This is a list of semicolon delimited file specifiers which describe a list of files to be searched for any imported packages. Each specifier may contain wildcards if desired. You should note that the compiler will search only until it finds a package with the name given in a use clause. It will not check for duplicates. When wildcards are used, the order of search will depend on the disk subsystem (system calls are used to expand the file specifiers).


The following is a list of useful environment strings recognized by the SETL2 compiler and interpreter.
This lets you place the name of your update library in the environment, rather than specifying it on the command line. You should probably place a command in your .login script to set this for you when you log on.
This is a list of libraries which will be searched for imported packages. The default is empty, which will probably be OK generally. It is just a string of comma-delimited file specifiers, which may include wildcards.
This string is a prefix used to specify where temporary files should be stored. It is primarily useful on a PC, where you should use this to hold the letter of your RAM disk, if you have one. For example, if your RAM disk is logical drive d, you would place in your autoexec.bat file the command set SETL2_TMP d:.
This is a string of options which will be read in front of the command line by the compiler. You can use this to change the default for implicit declarations, tab width, or anything else.
This is a used just like the previous string, but is used by the interpreter.


Many of the changes made in SETL2 were motivated by comments and ideas voiced in the SETL meetings at New York University. I would like to thank all who attended those meetings and participated in the discussions, in particular Robert Dewar, Fritz Henglein, Bob Paige, Ed Schonberg, and Matthew Smosna.

I would also like to thank Jack Schwartz, who offered many helpful comments and suggestions, and gave the system its most thorough test.




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