2 xxx 4 xxx 5 tool is damaged. (1) 6 can't determine action. (2) 7 can't get certificate. (3) 8 can't allocate certificate. (4) 9 can't determine target relationship. (5) 10 can't allocate target relationship. (6) 11 can't get certificate manager. (7) 12 tool is damaged. (8) 13 can't add new certificate for %relationship. (9) 14 can't delete certificate for %relationship. (10) 15 can't revoke certificate for %relationship. (11) 16 Congratulations!\n\nAttune has been successfully updated on your computer.\n\nThank you. 17 Attune is Now Updated 18 can't update %relationship. (12) 19 Error: Cannot Update 20 relationship 21 Security Manager 22 This program was unable to update your %relationship relationship for your version of Attune. (1)\n\nFor information on how to correct this problem, please visit Aveo's web site (http://www.aveo.com/support/attune.htm#q1).\n\nThank you. 23 This program was unable to update your %relationship relationship for your version of Attune. (2)\n\nFor information on how to correct this problem, please visit Aveo's web site (http://www.aveo.com/support/attune.htm#q2).\n\nThank you. 24 This program was unable to update your %relationship relationship for your version of Attune. (3)\n\nFor information on how to correct this problem, please visit Aveo's web site (http://www.aveo.com/support/attune.htm#q3).\n\nThank you. 25 This program was unable to update your %relationship relationship for your version of Attune. (4)\n\nFor information on how to correct this problem, please visit Aveo's web site (http://www.aveo.com/support/attune.htm#q4).\n\nThank you. 26 %relationship security.