Print Marriage Match

This menu option will display the printer's dialog box. Make sure the paper size in this box is A4 and press [OK] for the following dialog box.



The options in Print Match is listed below.

    The most important aspect in marriage match analysis "Chowa  (Kuja, Mars) dhowsham" can also be

computed by this option.


Before the Match print, on more dialog box appear as given below;


These radio buttons are for getting the users choice in the way in which the paapasamya calculation is based on.

1). Papasamym based on Bhava :This option is to compute papasamya value based on the exact position of planets. In our opinion this is the right method of the calculation of papasamya. But common astrologers are following the method given below for papasamya calculation.

2). Papasamym based on Rasi : This option is to compute papasamya value based on rasi chart of planets. Most of the astrologers are following this method, because this method is very simple for calculation. 

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