Customize Predictions

Predictions in Malayalam and English can modify or customize through this option. Add, Delete and Modify or even create your own predictions is possible by this option. The following options are available for the customization  predictions.

  • Build - Predictions : This option is to build a prediction file based on the birth details typed in the Horoscope Data In option. 

  • New - Prediction File : This will display a blank file, you can type your own predictions hear.

  • Open - Prediction File : This is to open a prediction file from your disk.

  • Save - Prediction File : Save the predictions to a disk file.

  • Save as - Prediction File : Save the predictions to a disk file in a different name.

  • Insert File : Insert another prediction file into current file at cursor location.

  • Insert Slogan : This option is to maintain paragraphs and slogans of text in a database and retrieve needed paragraphs or  slogans from the database and insert in your prediction file.


    Add new Slogan/Paragraph in the database

     1). Type the slogan in your prediction file

     2). Select and copy the slogan into clipboard.

     3). Select "Insert Slogan" menu from "Customize prediction" menu.

     4). Press the [Add] button of Slogans dialog box.

     5). Select the Slogan field and press [Paste in Slogan] button to paste the slogan.

     6). Type any remark about the slogan in Remarks field.

     7). Press the [Save] button to save the slogan.


    Retrieve a Slogan/Paragraph  from the database

     1). Select "Insert Slogan" menu from "Customize prediction" menu.

     2). Select needed slogan from the database with the help of Record navigation buttons.

     3). Press the button [Insert in Horoscope] to paste the slogan at the current cursor  location of prediction file. 

    From the Keyboard menu you can activate "Remington:" or "Inscript" Keyboard layout


    Remington Keyboard layout




    Inscript Keyboard layout


    Toggle Between Malayalam / English

    Press the function key [F2] to toggle between languages. To change from Malayalam to English or to change from English to Malayalam Press the [F2] function key. This key will act like a toggle switch. Aksharam will display the active language name on the status bar.

    The conjuncts : Malayalam conjuncts typing is as given below.

    Malayalam Alphabets

    In inscript keyboard the typing sequence of "Rakar", "Yakar" and Vakar is given below.


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