=========================================================================== Title : Virgil's Lead: 3rd Canto of INFERNO Date Finished : 03/01/1995 Author : John W. Anderson (aka Dr Sleep) Email Address : 76312.3415@compuserve.com Other Files By Author : "And Hell Followed," Episode 4, Level 7 of *The Ultimate DOOM* by Id Software; "Dante's Gate" v2.3 (1st Canto, INFERNO) "Crossing Acheron" v2.2 (2nd Canto) "Minos' Judgement" (4th Canto) "Nessus" (5th Canto) "Geryon" (6th Canto) "Vesperas" (7th Canto) : For HERETIC: "Recant" v1.1 Misc. Author Info : Additional Credits to : Jim F. Flynn for support and friendship; Shawn Green, American McGee, John Romero, and everyone at Id Software; Howard "Desdinova" Rider for graphic support; Antony Burden for DETH 2.1; Joshua E. Anderson, for playtesting. Description : VIRGIL'S LEAD is the 3rd Canto in my INFERNO series. In your search for Beatrice, you lost your guide Virgil (the beatnik space-poet) while crossing Acheron. But you've caught up with him again, and he's agreed to lead you through the current way- station (mostly because demons and undead sergeants are not much impressed with Virgil's way with words). "You can get a lot further with a kind word and a gun then you can a kind word." "You belong to the NRA, don't you?" Virgil asks. "No, I'm just a pessimistic pacifist." This is a deceptively small level, but you'll need to conserve ammo and try not to get shot or chewed on too much, since the stim packs are in scarce supply. =========================================================================== * Play Information * Map # : Map03 Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes Difficulty Settings : All New Sounds : No New Music : No New Graphics : Yes Demos Replaced : None * Note on the Graphics * The star SKY texture was composed from scratch using Paint Shop Pro v2.0. =========================================================================== * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Build Time : 10 days (over 100 hours) Editor(s) used : DETH 1.2 and 2.1 by Antony Burden and Simon Oke; Other Utilities : BSP v1.2x by Colin Reed; RMB v2.1 by Jens Hykkelbjerg; DOOMTex v1.0c by Steve McCrea; DOOMTex Supplement by Ben Sze; Paint Shop Pro v2.0 for Windows; Known Bugs : None whatsoever May Not Run With... : OS/2 WARP