=========================================================================== Title : Minos' Judgement: 4th Canto of INFERNO Date Finished : 05/08/1995 Author : Dr Sleep (aka John W. Anderson) Email Address : 76312.3415@compuserve.com Other Files By Author : "And Hell Followed," Episode 4, Level 7 of *The Ultimate DOOM* by Id Software; "Dante's Gate" v2.2 (1st Canto, INFERNO) "Crossing Acheron" v2.2 (2nd Canto) "Virgil's Lead" (3rd Canto) "Nessus" (5th Canto) "Geryon" (6th Canto) "Vesperas" (7th Canto) : For HERETIC: "Recant" v1.1 Misc. Author Info : Namu Amida Butsu Additional Credits to : Jim F. Flynn for support; Shawn Green, American McGee, John Romero, and everyone at Id Software; Howard "Desdinova" Rider for graphic support; Antony Burden and Simon Oke for DETH 2.1; Joshua E. Anderson for playtesting. Description : MINOS' JUDGEMENT is the 4th Canto in my INFERNO series. In your search for Beatrice, your guide, Virgil (the beatnik space-poet) has just successfully lead you through the First Circle of Hades -- only to bring you to the court of Minos, the Judge of Hell. "Well," you say, "this is another fine mess you've gotten us into. Now what?" Virgil, with his usual loquacity, replies: "Heh heh." This is a very large level; good luck. And pay attention to the lighting detail: it took me hours. =========================================================================== * Play Information * Map # : Map05 Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes Difficulty Settings : All New Sounds : No New Music : No New Graphics : Yes Demos Replaced : None * Note on the Graphics * The star sky texture was composed from scratch using Paint Shop Pro v2.0. =========================================================================== * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Build Time : Quite a while (over 150 hours) Editor(s) used : DETH 2.1 by Antony J. Burden and Simon Oke; Other Utilities : BSP v1.2x by Colin Reed; RMB v2.1 by Jens Hykkelbjerg; DOOMTex v1.0c by Steve McCrea; DOOMTex Supplement by Ben Sze; Paint Shop Pro v2.0 for Windows; Known Bugs : None whatsoever May Not Run With... : OS/2 WARP