================================================================ Title : LUNAR BASE Filename : LUNAR.WAD Author : Mark Barry Email Address : I wish...just my BBS (sigh) Misc. Author Info : Computer Science Instructor Alvin Community College (Houston, TX) (713) 388-4831 voice (713) 388-4930 BBS (it's free!) Description : Designed for Deathmatch 2 for DOOM II Weapons: -------- Super Shotgun, Rocket Launcher, BFG, Plasma Gun Features: --------- 1. Lots of hidden areas and traps/tricks 2. A cool COKE machine! 3. New textures of the earth, animation, etc... 4. An electrical fence...ouch! I wanted to make the best PWAD I could since I have been seeing a bunch of crap out there. In fact, I only put the best and most original PWADs on my BBS. I hope you will enjoy playing this PWAD as much as I had fun making it. Additional Credits to : ID Software for a great game Waded 1.49 (great editor) Trinity.WAD (for the ideas) NWT (New Waded Tools to extract/import) NeoPaint (Used to paint the textures) Stargate.WAD (for the earth texture) - Thanks Nick for the help! ================================================================ * Play Information * Level # : E1M1 Single Player : Yes, but why? Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes (up to 4 players) Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes Difficulty Settings : (All levels are the same) New Sounds : Nope New Graphics : Lots! New Music : Nope Demos Replaced : Nope * Construction * Base : Two weeks at part-time Editor(s) used : WADED v1.49 Known Bugs : Are you kidding? Never a bug in my WADs! But if you find one, hit your PC a few times and it will come out. * Copyright / Permissions * You may not change this pwad. Usually I don't mind but it took me too long to make this one and I'm not letting anyone take credit for it (cocky). However, if you do, you better give me the credit for the time I spent on it! :) You MAY distribute this PWAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. * Where to get this WAD * FTP sites: Not yet BBS numbers: Alvin Space Center BBS (713) 388-4930 I'm the sysop Other sites: I'm planting this PWAD all over the USA! Final Note: ----------- If you are a beginner with creating PWADs, call my BBS or my voice number and I'll help you if I can. Or, just disect my PWAD and have fun with it.