J_ROOM4.WAD - 14 fun levels for DOOM II DeathMatch! by Jordan Russell This is the fifth release of my level collection. It includes 15 levels, DOOM 1 sky, and DOOM 1 music. See below for descriptions of each level. Most levels have monsters (if you enable them) and are meant for DeathMatch. ============= = Whats New = ============= Version 0: 2 new levels, sky from DOOM I episode 1. Version 1: 2 more new levels, bug fixes. Version 2: 1 more new level, bug fixes, different music. Made level 1 brighter. Version 3: 5 more new levels, bug fixes. Added monsters to most levels. Version 4: 4 more new levels, bug fixes. More new music. New plasma sound! ===================== = How to contact me = ===================== DWANGO (Dallas): jordanr Chrysalis: Jordan Russell Internet: jordan.russell@chrysalis.org ====================== = Level 1 - Big Room = ====================== Description: This is a large dark room with many weird structures, a raiseable ledge surrounding the room, and an outside part. Meant for: 4 player DeathMatch 2.0. No teams. Written by: jordanr Editors used: DEU 5.21, DEUII 1.0. Time spent: 70+ hours. ======================== = Level 2 - Small Room = ======================== Description: This is similar to level 1 but smaller and brighter. Meant for: 3 or 4 player DeathMatch 2.0. Teams would be fun. Written by: jordanr Editors used: DEU 5.21, DEUII 1.0. Time spent: 20+ hours. ================== = Level 3 - Acid = ================== Description: This is a small arena level with most weapons. Meant for: 3 or 4 player DeathMatch 2.0. Teams. Written by: jordanr Editors used: DEUII 1.0, DCK 2.0. Time spent: 5+ hours. =================== = Level 4 - Arena = =================== Description: This is an inside arena level with a "pyramid" structure. Meant for: 4 player DeathMatch 2.0. Excellent for teams. Written by: jordanr Editors used: DEUII 1.0. Time spent: 5+ hours. ===================== = Level 5 - Arena 2 = ===================== Description: This is another inside arena level with a huge step structure leading to weapons. Many bonus items including armor. NEW! Fixed the ceiling because people were complaining that it looked "goofy". Meant for: 4 player DeathMatch 1.0 or 2.0. Teams. Written by: jordanr Editors used: DEU 5.21, DEUII 1.0. Time spent: 10+ hours. ====================== = Level 6 - Carnage! = ====================== Description: This is the ultimate "carnage" level. Meant for: 2 to 4 player DeathMatch 1.0 or 2.0. Excellent for teams. Written by: jordanr Editors used: DEUII 1.0, DCK 2.0. Time spent: 5+ hours. ====================== = Level 7 - The Pits = ====================== Description: This is a huge level with many "pits". Great for BFG wars. Meant for: 4 player DeathMatch 2.0. No teams. Written by: hawker, jordanr Editors used: WADED, DEUII 1.0. Time spent: 20+ hours. ===================== = Level 8 - Sandbox = ===================== Description: This is a large "diamond" shaped level. No plasma rifle. Meant for: 3 or 4 player DeathMatch 2.0. Written by: jordanr Editors used: DEUII 1.0. Time spent: 2+ hours. ======================= = Level 9 - Sandbox 2 = ======================= Description: This is a larger version of map 8. Less rockets. Same as J_SANDS.WAD. Meant for: 3 or 4 player DeathMatch 2.0. Written by: jordanr Editors used: DEUII 1.0. Time spent: 5+ hours. ==================== = Level 10 - Steps = ==================== Description: This is a small level with steps. No plasma rifle. Meant for: 4 player DeathMatch 1.0 or 2.0. Teams. Written by: jordanr Editors used: DEUII 1.0. Time spent: 1+ hours. ======================== = Level 11 - Carnage 2 = ======================== Description: This is a modified version of level 6. Meant for: 4 player DeathMatch 1.0 or 2.0. Teams. Written by: jordanr Editors used: DEUII 1.0, DCK 2.0. Time spent: 5+ hours. ========================= = Level 12 - Rocket War = ========================= Description: This is a large arena with rockets only. Meant for: 3 or 4 player DeathMatch 1.0 or 2.0. Teams. Written by: jordanr Editors used: DEUII 1.0. Time spent: 3+ hours. ========================== = Level 13 - Shotgun War = ========================== Description: This is a large arena with shotgun only. Meant for: 3 or 4 player DeathMatch 1.0 or 2.0. Teams. Written by: jordanr Editors used: DEUII 1.0. Time spent: 3+ hours. ===================== = Level 14 - Blocks = ===================== Description: Small level with blocks. Similar to KCE.WAD but smaller, and outside. Meant for: 3 or 4 player DeathMatch 1.0 or 2.0. Teams. Written by: jordanr Editors used: DEUII 1.0. Time spent: 1+ hours.