=============================================================== Title : ALLSKILL.WAD (All Skills Required Deathmatch) Author : The Immortal Email Address : wl-the_immortal-web@society.com Description : This level was designed for a good deathmatch game where you can expirence fragging more often than just once in a while. I added a few monsters incase you would like to play Deathmatch w/monsters on skill 5 so they would respawn (for a lil' twist) The rest of the wad is explainatory and easy so you should find yourself fimular with that wad on your first time. Misc Game Info : DOOM II WAD. This WAD has a little bug on mini-tower in the middle, but you shouldn't notice it because you'll be too busy fragging other doom wanna be's. This WAD has tested for over 1+ hours ;). It should run fine on a 386 or a 486. If it does not work, then your computer is SCREWED, if it isn't your computer, then YOUR SCREWED! ;) Additional Credits to : Special thanks goes to John Romero for making the best game on the face of the earth! Yep, i can't get enuph of it! Also IVS for bringing out the best doom/heretic/misc multi-player interface ever created! (Death to all Multi's) This WAD was created for all the people on DWANGO! ================================================================ * Play Information * Mape Level # : Map 01 Single Player : NO WAY! (Unless your a loner) Cooperative 2-4 Player : Urk, ya right. (You and your partner(s) are gay) Deathmatch 2 Players : Yes, what am i Joking! OF COURSE! Deathmatch 3-4 Players : DEFINATELY THE BEST (What the wad was designed for) Difficulty Settings : Help yourself ;) New Sounds : Yes (OH YES!) New Graphics : No (Next wad will have 4 sure) * Voices * The voices that I added were all my voice. Incase you can't make them out then here its the text for it. When Player Dies : "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" or the regular scream (random) When Player Splats : "BAAASSSTAAAARRRD!!" When Player gets hurt or shot : "Hey! That HURTS!" When Player hits ground from higher place (jumps) : "Ouch, thats gotta hurt!" * Construction * Base : Scratch Build Time : About 40 mins for wad, 20 mins for voices and importing and testing. Editor(s) used : EDMAP 1.40 (RULES), DMAUD (Wish they had one for Doom2 or is there already one for it?) Known Bugs : Completely Bug Free * Copyright / Permissions * Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. You may distribute this level only as it is, no modifications can be made to the WAD or the TXT file you are reading. This wad can be downloaded of Worth Every Byte (905) 738-1077