DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT NINE 119. 241 CONTINUED: QUARK It's clear, it's clear. KIRA It better be. And without another word, Kira EXITS. We HOLD on Quark and Morn. QUARK It's like I said, the more things change, the more they stay the same. And as Quark goes back to work -- 242 INT. PROMENADE (FORMERLY 219) to see Kira walk down the busy Promenade. The CAMERA slowly RISES above the crowd and PANS OVER to find -- 243 A SOMBER JAKE (FORMERLY 220) standing on the second level of the Promenade, looking out one of the windows. 244 JAKE'S POV -- OF THE WORMHOLE (OPTICAL) (FORMERLY 221) which suddenly BURSTS OPEN, allowing a ship to enter. Like always, it's a magical sight. 245 CLOSE ON JAKE (FORMERLY 222) thinking about how much he misses his father. A hand COMES INTO FRAME and lightly grips his shoulder. WE WIDEN TO REVEAL -- 246 KIRA (FORMERLY 223) standing beside him. She knows what he's feeling and wants him to know he's not alone. They exchange a brief smile, then gaze back out the window...