DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT NINE 115. 235 CONTINUED: NOG Today's duty roster, colonel. ADJUST ANGLE to REVEAL Kira sitting in the Captain's Chair. Nog hands her the PADD, which she glances at. KIRA Nice work. (then looking up) And congratulations on your promotion, lieutenant. NOG (grinning) Thank you, sir. I guess putting me in for promotion was one of Captain Sisko's last official acts. KIRA I'm sure he's very proud of you, Nog. NOG I'd like to think so, sir. KIRA Now about the cargo inventories... NOG I'll get right on it. And with that, Nog EXITS. We HOLD on Kira as she gets up from behind the desk, picks up Sisko's baseball and EXITS into -- 236 INT. OPS (FORMERLY 213) where she stands at the head of the stairs, tossing the baseball. Kira looks around the room -- 237 KIRA'S POV - OF ALL THE NEW FACES (FORMERLY 214) manning the stations. 238 ON KIRA (FORMERLY 215) as she glances at the baseball, thinking about Captain Sisko. After a beat, she smiles. CUT TO: