140:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT NINE 106-106A. 204 CONTINUED: KASIDY This is scaring me -- let's go home. SISKO I can't. Not now. KASIDY Why not? Kasidy can see that Sisko doesn't have an easy answer to that question. KASIDY Oh, God... this is it, isn't it? The sorrow the Prophets warned us about... SISKO It's difficult to explain... it isn't linear... KASIDY What isn't? SISKO My life... my destiny... the Prophets saved me, Kas -- I'm their Emissary, and they still have a great deal for me to do. But first, there's a lot I have to learn... things only the Prophets can teach me. KASIDY When will you be back? SISKO It's hard to say. Time doesn't exist here. It could be a year. It could be yesterday. (definitively) But I will be back. Kasidy finds reassurance in Sisko's eyes. KASIDY I'll be waiting. Sisko takes Kasidy in his arms and kisses her. And as they hold each other tight, the screen WHITES OUT again --