13:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE:"What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT EIGHT 84. ACT EIGHT FADE IN: 155 EXT. CARDASSIA - STREET - DAY Rubble, smoke and fires everywhere. Buildings are either collapsed or burnt-out shells. Bodies litter the streets. 156 ANOTHER ANGLE to see Sisko, Martok and Ross standing amid the wreckage; each holding a glass of bloodwine. In his other hand, Martok holds the bottle of bloodwine. MARTOK This is a moment worth savoring. (raising his glass) To victory -- hard fought and well earned. Martok drains his drink, but neither Sisko nor Ross partake. They're too busy looking at the destruction that surrounds them. MARTOK Something wrong? SISKO Suddenly, I'm not thirsty. ROSS Neither am I. 157 CLOSER ON MARTOK as he drains his glass. MARTOK Before you waste too many tears... remember, those are Cardassians lying dead at your feet... (re: the devastation) The Bajorans would call this poetic justice...