157:[4,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT SEVEN 82-83. 154 CONTINUED: The Female Shape-shifter takes a step toward Garak. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER If you'll step aside, I'll order the Jem'Hadar to cease fire. Garak hesitates, looking over to Kira, who nods reassuringly. After a beat, Garak lowers his weapon, allowing the Female Shape-shifter to cross over to a monitor and begin working its console. GARAK (re: the Female Shape-shifter) May I suggest securing her in a containment field. ODO Don't worry. She won't try to escape. She's agreed to stand trial for what she's done. KIRA I would've thought she'd insist on going back to the Gamma Quadrant to cure her people. ODO There's no need for that. (off her look) I'm going in her place. KIRA For how long? ODO (as gently as possible) Nerys... it's time I rejoined the Great Link. And as Kira absorbs this painful news, we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT SEVEN