DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT SEVEN 80. 151A CONTINUED: (2) FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER You're looking well, Odo. ODO Thank you for seeing me. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER It's always good to see you. But I have no intention of surrendering my forces. If I did, it would be a sign of weakness... an invitation to the Solids to cross into the Gamma Quadrant and destroy the Great Link. ODO Believe me, I'm well aware that the Federation has its flaws... but a desire for conquest isn't one of them. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER And what of the Klingons and the Romulans... can you make the same claim for them? ODO The Klingon and Romulan Empires are in no shape to wage a war against anyone... besides, the Federation wouldn't allow it. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER The Dominion has spent the last two years trying to destroy the Federation... and now you're asking me to put our fate in their hands? ODO (simply) Yes. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER I can't do that, Odo. I don't share your faith in Solids. ODO Perhaps I can change your mind (holding out his hand) Link with me.