DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT SEVEN 77. 146 CONTINUED: SISKO You haven't had much success with her in the past. ODO I'd still like to try. Think of the lives it could save. Sisko thinks about it for a beat, then: SISKO (turning to viewscreen) Commander -- tell the Founder that Odo would like to pay her a visit. And with that, Odo heads to the turbolift -- 147 INT. BAJORAN FIRE CAVES - MAIN CAVERN CLOSE ON a flask of wine being poured into a ceremonial goblet. ADJUST TO REVEAL Kai Winn holding the goblet. Dukat stands near the edge of the abyss, still holding the text of the Kosst Amojan. WINN And now we begin the most important part of the ceremony. Winn then holds the cup above her -- WINN Tarna pur-ono ull-kess pah-ran. lano ka'la bo'shar lanu. Winn goes to drink from the cup, then hesitates.