DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT SIX 66. 120 INT. DOMINION HEADQUARTERS - CARGO DOCK - DAY to see Damar, Kira, Garak, and the others make it into the building just as the door closes behind them. 121 ON DAMAR (OPTICAL) leading the charge. But he only gets a few steps into the building when he's HIT in the chest by a phaser bolt. 122 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) to see a HALF DOZEN JEM'HADAR soldiers entering from the other end of the cargo dock and FIRING at the Cardassians. 123 GARAK is bent over Damar's body, then looks up at Kira. GARAK (stunned) He's dead. Kira looks over to see that the Cardassians have taken refuge behind some cargo. She knows that the suddenness of Damar's death has taken the wind out of the Cardassian's sails. KIRA Remember Damar's orders -- we stop for nothing. Garak rises to his feet and addresses his countrymen. GARAK For Cardassia. And with that -- 124 KIRA AND GARAK (OPTICAL) emerge from their hideout FIRING their weapons. The other Cardassians follow suit.