DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT SIX 65B. 116B CONTINUED: FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER My loyal Weyoun... the only Solid I've ever trusted. Weyoun is overwhelmed by this compliment. WEYOUN (bowing) I live only to serve you. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER And you've served me well. (a beat, with some bitterness) I don't mind dying. It's knowing that my entire race is dying of the same illness and there's nothing I can do about it... WEYOUN I would give my life to save yours. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER I only wish it were that simple. And as the Female Shape-shifter allows Weyoun to lead her over to her chair -- 116C EXT. DOMINION HEADQUARTERS - CARGO DOCK - NIGHT Kira, Garak, Damar, Ekoor and the others remain huddled as before, still wrestling with the problem of getting inside Dominion Headquarters. DAMAR What if I were to give myself up? Pretend to be your prisoner. KIRA (shaking her head) They'd kill you on sight. GARAK And us along with you. Just then, something offscreen catches Ekoor's eye. EKOOR The cargo door... They all look over to see --