DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT SIX 65A. 116A CONTINUED: Another BURST OF STATIC, then the General bows to the Female Shape-shifter before leading his staff out the door. 116B ANGLE ON WEYOUN (FORMERLY SCENE 103) who has been watching this exchange with great interest. WEYOUN I still can't help but wonder. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER Wonder what? WEYOUN What's under that helmet? FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER A braver man than you. (a beat) Though I do find the shrillness of his "voice"... tiresome. The Female Shape-shifter turns to walk back to her desk when suddenly, her legs give out from under her. Weyoun barely manages to catch her and keep her on her feet. WEYOUN Founder -- what's wrong? FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER (isn't it obvious?) I'm dying, that's what's wrong. WEYOUN Perhaps if you were to rest for a while... revert to your natural state. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER I haven't been able to change form in weeks. Ironic, isn't it? That I'm going to die as a Solid... WEYOUN You're not going to die. You're a god. The Female Shape-shifter looks over at Weyoun.