178:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT SIX 65. 116 CONTINUED: Garak starts LAUGHING again. Ekoor joins in. Even Kira and Damar have to smile. KIRA We could knock on the door and ask the Jem'Hadar to let us in... DAMAR Or have them send the Female Shape-shifter out to us. They continue LAUGHING at the absurdity of the moment, but after a beat, the laughter dies. GARAK Like I said, we have a problem... And off Garak's sobering words -- 116A INT. DOMINION BRIEFING ROOM - NIGHT (FORMERLY SCENE 102) The Female Shape-shifter, looking the worse for wear, stands before Thot Pran and his Breen staff. Weyoun is nearby. The Breen General completes his burst of BREEN STATIC. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER But I've come to depend on having you here at my side. More Breen STATIC. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER Your advice has proven invaluable to the Dominion. Another BURST. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER Very well. If you feel that the situation demands your presence on the front lines, I won't stand in your way. Knowing that you will be leading our troops into battle is very reassuring.