DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT SIX 58-60. 101 CONTINUED: And as she follows him up -- 102 thru OMITTED 103 104 INT. BAJORAN FIRE CAVES - MAIN CAVERN (OPTICAL) Winn and Dukat stand before the fiery canyon, the red glow dancing across their faces. 105 ON THE KAI as she ceremoniously takes off her cap and tosses it into the abyss. With equal solemnity, she removes her robe and tosses it over the edge as well (Winn is now wearing only a simple penitent's smock). She takes out the pin holding up her hair, which falls to her shoulders. WINN (smiling) I rid myself of the Prophets and shed a lifetime of hypocrisy. She then turns to Dukat, and to his surprise, grabs him in an embrace and kisses him passionately. DUKAT I've never seen you looking so radiant... WINN I feel like a young woman, waiting for my lover to sweep me off my feet... DUKAT Do you give yourself willingly to the Pah-wraiths? WINN With all my heart. DUKAT (re: the canyon) Then call to them. Winn breaks their embrace.