136:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT FIVE 52. 89 CONTINUED: WORF Captain -- the Dominion forces are retreating toward Cardassia Prime. A spontaneous CHEER erupts on the Bridge. EZRI Sir -- Admiral Ross and Chancellor Martok would like to speak to you. SISKO I'm sure they would. On screen. 90 ANGLE ON THE VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) to see a split screen with Admiral Ross and Martok speaking from their respective ships. ROSS I never thought I'd say this, but thank god for the Cardassians. MARTOK As I predicted -- the day is ours. SISKO Not yet it isn't. ROSS Ben, we've driven the Dominion back to Cardassia Prime. We can keep them bottled-up there indefinitely. SISKO But what if they use that time to rebuild their fleet? MARTOK (agreeing) The Dominion has displayed an ability to build ships at an impressive rate. We must continue our attack. ROSS At what cost?