DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT FIVE 48. 81 EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) The battle continues; the outcome still in doubt. The Defiant finds itself in trouble and heavily outnumbered by Jem'Hadar ships. 82 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE as it ROCKS from another HIT. NOG Jem'Hadar ship off the port bow. WORF Shields are down to sixty percent. Another severe HIT shakes the ship. Sparks and smoke fill the Bridge. 82A ON O'BRIEN as the ship ROCKS yet again. O'Brien grimaces in pain as Bashir continues to work on his wound. BASHIR (re: the ship shaking) This is no good -- I'd better get you to Sickbay. O'BRIEN I'm a little busy right now... BASHIR That's an order. O'BRIEN (protesting) Look, Julian -- SISKO (intervening) You heard him, Chief. O'BRIEN Yes, sir. O'Brien knows better than to argue with the Captain. And as the ship ROCKS yet again, Bashir helps O'Brien off the Bridge.