DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT FOUR 45. 72 CONTINUED: (2) EZRI Aye, sir. 73 OMITTED 74 INT. DOMINION BRIEFING ROOM - DAY CLOSE ON a frustrated Female Shape-shifter. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER What's taking so long? Adjust to reveal Weyoun and Thot Pran studying a monitor. WEYOUN Our engineers assure me that long- range communications should be restored momentarily. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER You've been saying that for hours. Meanwhile, we have no way of contacting our ships... no way of knowing how the battle is progressing. Just then, an excited Broca ENTERS. BROCA Founder -- our troops have captured the traitor Damar. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER Finally, some good news. BROCA There's more. Colonel Kira and Garak have been apprehended with him. WEYOUN Even better. BROCA Shall I have them brought here? FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER What for? (to Weyoun) Have them executed immediately.