DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT FOUR 43. 64 CLOSE ON KIRA as she readies herself for trouble. Garak and Damar do the same. 65 ON THE STAIRWAY for a long beat, then Mila's lifeless body comes tumbling down the steps. 66 ANGLE ON GARAK leaps to his feet. GARAK Mila! As Garak reaches the body, a small metal device bounces down the stairs. KIRA Garak -- look out! Garak is caught flat-footed while Damar ducks for cover. Kira moves toward Garak as the device DETONATES, knocking them all unconscious. 67 ANGLE ON THE STAIRWAY as the Jem'Hadar and Cardassian soldiers cautiously step down into the cellar and stand over the bodies of our fallen heroes. 68 CLOSE ON KIRA as she groggily tries to shake the cobwebs and crawl to her weapon. But before she can reach it, a Jem'Hadar soldier kicks the weapon away, picks her up by the collar, and tosses her into a chair. 69 ANOTHER ANGLE as Garak and Damar are dragged to their feet as well and shoved near Kira.