DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT FOUR 42. 61 CONTINUED: (2) MILA I'm old enough to be his mother. DAMAR Nonsense. Mila can't help but being charmed. MILA (to Kira) Politicians... Just then, a warning LIGHT goes on. GARAK Who could that be? MILA I'll go see. Mila heads up the stairs as Kira, Garak and Damar grab their weapons and find cover. 62 INT. MILA'S HOUSE - DOORWAY - DAY Mila OPENS the door to find THREE JEM'HADAR and TWO CARDASSIAN soldiers, weapons at the ready. MILA Can I help you? But before she gets her answer, we cut back to --