129:[4,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT THREE 38. 52 CONTINUED: MARTOK They are. And I haven't forgotten the promise I made to both of you. SISKO That the three of us would share a bottle of bloodwine on Cardassia Prime. MARTOK A bottle? I brought a barrel of twenty-three-oh-nine -- there is no finer vintage. ROSS Then I'll meet you two on Cardassia. MARTOK We'll see who gets there first. CLOSE ON Sisko's reaction as Martok and Ross end their transmissions. 53 WIDER as Nog works his panel. NOG The chancellor makes victory sound easy. SISKO He knows it won't be. (to the com) Sisko to all hands. Prepare to engage the enemy. And as everyone braces themselves for battle, we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE