DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT THREE 35. 44 ANGLE ON KIRA AND THE OTHERS as they react to the grim news. 45 BACK ON WEYOUN (OPTICAL) continuing his address. WEYOUN (a beat) For each act of sabotage committed against the Dominion, another Cardassian city will be destroyed. (a beat) I implore you not to let that happen. Let us return to the spirit of friendship and cooperation that has existed between our peoples, so that together, we can defeat our common enemies... the Federation, the Klingons, the Romulans and all the others who stand against us. Thank you. And with that, Weyoun's image is replaced by the Dominion logo. 46 ANGLE ON KIRA AND THE OTHERS as the impact of Weyoun's words sink in. For a moment, the only sound we hear is Mila's soft weeping. DAMAR I should've killed that Vorta jackal when I had the chance. KIRA You want another one? (off Damar's look) Then let's attack Dominion Headquarters. GARAK (agreeing) Chop off a snake's head and its body dies... KIRA Damar -- for the past two years, you practically lived in that building...