DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT THREE 34A. 43 ANGLE ON THE MONITOR (OPTICAL) coming to life with the image of Weyoun beginning a planetwide address. WEYOUN Citizens of Cardassia... shame on you. This latest wave of vandalism directed against your Dominion allies must stop. INTERCUT with Kira, Damar, Garak and Mila watching. GARAK I wouldn't count on it. WEYOUN (on the monitor) Let me assure you, we know that these disgraceful acts of sabotage were carried out by a mere handful of extremists. But these radicals must come to realize that their disobedience will not be tolerated... that you, the Cardassian people, will suffer the consequences of their cowardly actions. Which is why I must inform you that a few moments ago, Dominion troops reduced Lakarian City to ashes. (a beat) There were no survivors. Two million men, women and children... gone in a matter of seconds..