14:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT TWO 26. ACT TWO FADE IN: 34 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL)(STOCK) Re-establishing. 35 INT. HOLOSUITE - VIC'S LOUNGE Quark intently studies a hand of playing cards he's holding close to his face. QUARK Do you have any threes? ADJUST to include VIC FONTAINE seated across from Quark, studying his own hand. VIC Go fish. Quark sighs with disappointment and throws the cards down. VIC Don't tell me you're quitting? QUARK It's just not my game. VIC Want to try pinochle again? Quark shakes his head. VIC How 'bout rummy? Or gin rummy? Five card stud? (a beat) Canasta? But Quark doesn't want to play any of them. QUARK How about some tongo? VIC (rhetorically) Did they play tongo in Las Vegas in nineteen sixty-two?