DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT ONE 16. 23 CONTINUED: GARAK (to Kira) It was a great success. KIRA You can tell me the details later. Kira puts back the helmet. KIRA (muffled) If anyone asks, you're my prisoners. And with that, she marches them down the alley -- 24 INT. CARDASSIAN CELLAR - NIGHT CLOSE ON a pair of feet coming down the stairs. It's MILA, carrying a tray of food, which she sets on the table near Kira, Garak and Damar. The Breen outfit lies discarded behind Kira. GARAK (to Kira) ... the vote was unanimous. The work disruptions will begin tomorrow. DAMAR (also to Kira) Power, transportation and communication facilities throughout Cardassia will be sabotaged. GARAK The Dominion fleet will be cut off from all ground support. KIRA (she gets it) That way, they'll have to face the invasion force on their own. DAMAR And once the Dominion is crushed... MILA (O.S.) Cardassia will be free again. All eyes turn to Mila.