DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT ONE 14. 19 TWO JEM'HADAR SOLDIERS standing further down the alley, blocking their path. One of them holds a Jem'Hadar palm beacon on them at all times. JEM'HADAR Step forward. Slowly. Garak and Damar exchange a worried look, but they both realize they have little choice but to do as instructed. GARAK (to the Jem'Hadar) Have we done something wrong? We're new to the city and I'm afraid we've gotten lost -- JEM'HADAR Quiet! The Jem'Hadar steps up to get a closer look at the two Cardassians. JEM'HADAR You are Legate Damar. GARAK (to Damar) You see? I told you you looked like him. (to the Jem'Hadar) This isn't the first time my cousin has been mistaken for that traitor. JEM'HADAR (unswayed) He will be taken to Dominion Headquarters. You will die here. The Jem'Hadar soldier points his weapon directly at Garak. Just then, we hear a burst of odd-sounding BREEN STATIC (actually, it sounds like someone mimicking Breen static). The Jem'Hadar shines his beacon on a -- 20 BREEN SOLDIER standing at the other end of the alley. The Breen soldier approaches and repeats the muffled STATIC.