19:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT ONE 13. 16 CONTINUED: FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER I'd promise the Breen the entire Alpha Quadrant if I thought it would help win this war. The two stare at each other for a moment, then Weyoun bows his head. WEYOUN The Founder is wise in all things. 16A NEW ANGLE as the newly appointed leader of the Cardassian Union, LEGATE BROCA, ENTERS. He bows reverentially to the Female Shape-shifter. BROCA Founder. I've heard a disturbing rumor about the traitor Damar. WEYOUN What about him? BROCA He may be alive. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER (to Weyoun) Is this possible? WEYOUN I don't see how. We destroyed his ship, his rebel bases... FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER But his body was never found. BROCA They say he's here -- on Cardassia Prime. In the capital, no less... FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER (to Broca) Look into this matter. WEYOUN And if Damar is alive...