DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - TEASER 8. 7 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO I think she's sure... JAKE Times like this... I'm glad I'm a man. And with that, they EXIT into the corridor -- 8 INT. QUARK'S CLOSE ON QUARK as he places a drink in front of WORF. It's still very early and MORN is the only other customer. QUARK You're up early today. WORF I'm always up early. QUARK But this is a special day, isn't it? WORF I don't know what you mean. QUARK (leaning over, confidentially) It's a good day to die. WORF Every day is a good day to die. QUARK But some days are better than others. Like today, for instance. The day the Federation- Klingon-Romulan Alliance launches its invasion of Cardassia. The final push in the long struggle to rid the Alpha Quadrant of the Dominion and save my bar in the process. WORF (calmly) Who told you that? QUARK (re: Morn) He did.