67:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - TEASER 6. 6 CONTINUED: SISKO Well, if it helps -- morning sickness usually ends after the first trimester. KASIDY That's two more months! I don't think I'm going to make it. SISKO You'll make it. Kasidy lays her head against Sisko's chest. KASIDY Promise me something, Ben... (patting her stomach) ... promise you'll come back to us. SISKO I promise. Kasidy pulls away from Sisko with sudden distress. KASIDY I don't believe it... SISKO (defensive) I said I promise. KASIDY (hit by another wave of nausea) It's not that... Kasidy bolts to her feet and makes a beeline for the bathroom. Just then, the door CHIMES. SISKO Come in. The door OPENS to REVEAL -- 7 JAKE SISKO yawning and wiping the sleep from his eyes.