DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - TEASER 2. 3 CONTINUED: BASHIR (touching one of Ezri's Trill markings) How far those spots go down. EZRI (smiling) I suppose you're going to want to tell Miles. BASHIR Why would I do that? EZRI Because you tell him everything. BASHIR (thinking it over) True... but this time, I'll make an exception. EZRI Good -- now we really should get going. We don't want the Defiant leaving without us. But Bashir makes no move to get out of bed. BASHIR You know, I've never gone into battle with someone I've slept with. EZRI There's a first time for everything. BASHIR Now that we're finally together, it'd be a shame if anything happened to one of us... Ezri offers Bashir her hand to shake. EZRI Let's make a pact. We both come home alive. Bashir takes her hand. BASHIR You've got yourself a deal.