196:[4,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Dogs... " - REV. 04/09/99 - ACT ONE 21. 26 CONTINUED: SISKO I don't condone what Section Thirty-one did, but the Founders started this war, not us. Giving them the cure would only strengthen their hand. And we can't do that -- not when there are millions of men and women out there putting their lives on the line every day. Odo doesn't like that answer, but there's nothing he can do about it. ODO I can see there's no point in arguing with you, the decision's been made. Odo heads for the door, but Sisko stops him. SISKO Odo. I wish I didn't have to ask this, but... I need to know that you're not going to take matters into your own hands. Odo stiffens. ODO You have my word. SISKO That's all I wanted to hear. Beat. ODO Interesting, isn't it? The Federation claims to abhor Section Thirty-one's tactics, but when you need someone to do the dirty work, you look the other way. (beat) Tidy little arrangement, wouldn't you say? And with that, Odo EXITS, leaving Sisko to ponder that unpleasant truth. Off this moment, we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE