111:[1,#b],116:[1,#b],137:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Dogs... " - REV. 04/09/99 - ACT ONE 19. 25 INT. INFIRMARY where Bashir is talking with ODO, who's sitting on the bio-bed. His appearance has returned to normal. BASHIR (off TRICORDER) Everything checks out fine. I'm certifying you fit for duty. ODO Finally. The last time I spoke with Kira, she wanted to know when I'd be rejoining her. Odo gets up to go, but Bashir stops him. BASHIR Odo, there's something you need to know. (carefully) When I first discovered that you'd been infected with the morphogenic virus, I assumed you'd contracted it from the Founders. ODO Didn't I? BASHIR No, the fact is... you transmitted the virus to them. Odo is deeply disturbed to hear this -- he's just been told he's a "typhoid Mary." ODO But... how did I get it? Bashir steels himself, then drops the bomb -- BASHIR I'm afraid you were infected deliberately. Odo is so stunned he can't even speak for a moment. ODO By whom? BASHIR Section Thirty-one. Odo's features harden as Bashir continues.