146:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Dogs... " - REV. 04/09/99 - ACT ONE 17. 24 ZEK ON A MONITOR (OPTICAL) His image is partially obscured by STATIC, and his VOICE is often DROWNED out by it. (The words we shouldn't be able to hear are in parentheses.) ZEK Is that you, (Rom)? QUARK (loud) It's me. ZEK (peering into the camera) (I can) barely see you. QUARK It's the static. ZEK Sorry about the (static). It's raining here. QUARK (so?) It's always raining there. ZEK Not this kind of rain. (There was) an accident at the power plant. The contractor used substandard (relays), the greedy (bastard). There's a toxic (electrostatic) cloud hanging over the city. What a (frigging) mess. QUARK So to what do I owe the pleasure... ? ZEK The pressure? That's an ungrateful thing to (say). I'm not pressuring you. QUARK (louder) No. The pleasure. ZEK You're not making any sense. Shut up and listen. I'm retiring.