180:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Tacking into... " - REV. 03/22/99 - ACT FIVE 60. 56A CONTINUED: (4) WORF What I have done... was for the Empire... not for me. A new day must dawn for our people... a day bright with the promise of restoring our honor and our dignity. I am not the man to usher in that day. But there is a man here who can. He takes the cloak from his own shoulders and goes to put it on Martok's shoulders. Martok stops him. MARTOK Worf... I do not seek the leadership. WORF Kahless said, "Great men do not seek power, they have power thrust upon them." He puts the cloak on Martok's shoulders and stands back. WORF Hail Martok! Leader of the Empire! Leader of destiny! ALL Martok! Martok! Martok! Martok! Martok! Martok! etc. As the warriors scream out his name and Martok realizes that he is now the leader of the Empire... CUT TO: 57 INT. QUARK'S - SECOND LEVEL Worf and EZRI are being served drinks by QUARK. QUARK A bottle of bloodwine and two mugs... (to Ezri) I thought you hated bloodwine. EZRI It's a special occasion. QUARK Oh? Maybe I should join you.